Kiera Boyd
Kiera Boyd practices in the area of communications, with a particular emphasis on copyright.
Kiera graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Ontario. Prior to law school, she completed an Honours Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with a minor in Political Science at Queen’s University. During her summers throughout school, Kiera worked as an Administrative Assistant at a large national firm, where she was part of the Intellectual Property Team.
Blacklock’s Reporter v Canada (Attorney General) and Password Sharing for Research Purposes
Copyright and Presentations: How to Avoid Presentation-Related Copyright Infringement
Doan v Clearview Inc and the Identification of Class Members
Voltage Holdings, LLC v Doe #1 and Evidentiary Requirements in Copyright Infringement
Social Media and Copyright: What are the Common Copyright Limitations and Issues Users Face?
PART II: Are Tattoos Protected by Copyright?
PART I: Are Tattoos Protected by Copyright?
The Bell Media Inc v Macciacchera ( Decision and Unauthorized Subscription Services
Are Disney’s live action remakes extending the copyright of their animated movies?
Image Copyright in the Age of Social Media