Patent Tips for Halloween

#SpookyIP U.S. Patent No. 3,965,574 to Harry Edwin Graves entitled “Apparatus for forming a jack-o-lantern”

Ever wished you had help with carving your Halloween pumpkin? If so, Harry Edwin Graves invented something just for you! Graves (the perfect name for the inventor of a Halloween themed invention) developed a device for carving a “jack-o-lantern” made of two curved plates engaging opposite sides of the pumpkin and retained in place by cords which are laced through the adjacent edge portions of the plates, the front plate having cutters for the eyes, nose and mouth. Enjoy carving your pumpkin and Happy Halloween! 

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Mark Penner
Partner, Trademark Agent, Patent Agent at  | Website |  + posts

Mark D. Penner’s practice focuses on all aspects of the acquisition, protection, enforcement and strategic use of a wide range of intellectual property assets in Canada and around the world.

About Mark Penner

Mark D. Penner’s practice focuses on all aspects of the acquisition, protection, enforcement and strategic use of a wide range of intellectual property assets in Canada and around the world.