Category Archives: Analysis

“Making Available”– The Supreme Court Rules That There Is Only One Royalty Fee To Be Paid

picture of the the entrance of the Supreme Court of Canada, or Cour Supreme du Canada, in Ottawa. The Supreme Court of Canada is the highest court of Canada, the final court of appeals in the Canadian justice system. Its decisions are the ultimate expression and application of Canadian law and binding upon all lower courts of Canada

Fasken successfully represented several of the respondents before the Supreme Court of Canada in Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Entertainment Software Association, 2022 SCC 30. In its recent decision, the Supreme Court conclusively rejected attempts by SOCAN to “double dip” on copyright royalties via the making available of copyrighted works and in the process helped clarify a number of important legal issues. Some of these issues are unique to copyright law, while others have broader relevance, including issues related to determining the standard of review post-Vavilov and how treaties should be used to interpret statutes.

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Trademark Protection within Blockchain Domains

Block chain concept. Big data binary code futuristic information technology, data flow. Transferring of big data. interconnected blocks of data depicting a cryptocurrency blockchain . 3D Rendering.

Companies owning trademarks should reserve their trademarks with blockchain naming systems. The risk of infringement of blockchain domain names is real and remedies are limited at this time. Thus, it becomes essential to protect the intellectual property rights of companies preventively within the blockchain ecosystem.

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Bill 96: Major Changes Affecting Trademarks on Packaging and Signage in Canada

Close-up on a blue Open sign in a window with written in it in English & French.

Most companies doing business in Canada prefer to use the same branding across all Provinces and Territories, particularly for consumer product labelling and signage of consumer-facing businesses. This means that Quebec’s language law often defines how brands are presented across Canada. With new legislation adopted on May 25, 2022 (Bill 96), the Charter of the French Language is now much less favourable to trademark owners.

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Breaking News from the WTO: Limited TRIPS Waiver for COVID-19 Vaccines

Close up of Vials and Syringes with Covid-19 vaccine are displayed on a tray during vaccination.

On June 17, the 2022 Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) issued a decision [PDF] pursuant to the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (“TRIPS Agreement”) and allowed certain members to use patented inventions for the production and supply of COVID-19 vaccines in specific circumstances (“Ministerial Decision”).

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Canadian Patent Rules Coming into Force on October 3, 2022

The Canadian flag and downtown office buildings

UPDATE: Further to the below article, the Patent Rules have now been published in Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 156, Number 13.  This issue of the Canada Gazette may be accessed here in HTML format, or here in PDF format.

As covered in the blog previously, Canada’s patent regime has been undergoing significant changes.  Our earlier posts about these changes and what steps patentees can take to mitigate the impacts of these changes can be found here and here.  The amendments are meant to reduce prosecution time and streamline the examination process.

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