Author: Mark Penner and Alain Leclerc

About Mark Penner and Alain Leclerc

Alain M. Leclerc is a patent and trademark agent and intellectual property lawyer. He advises, guides and represents clients in connection with intellectual property asset protection, with particular emphasis on drafting and obtaining patents.

Canadian Strategies for New Patent Rule


Upcoming Changes to Canadian Patent Practice Could Mean Increased Costs. Can you take steps now to mitigate?

As part of the implementation of the patent term adjustment (PTA) obligation in the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (“CUSMA”), the Government of Canada proposed a series of amendments to the Canadian Patent Rules to better streamline the patent examination process.

As noted in our earlier blog post, the proposed amendments provided for a request for continued examination requirement and a new notice from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (“CIPO”) to applicants named a “conditional notice of allowance”, both of which are designed to streamline the patent examination process. 

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